Saturday, September 30, 2006

Playing with Leaves

Today was a beautiful day! The boys were helping Mike as he cleaned up the yard and raked the leaves. Andrew had a great time putting the leaves in the garbage can with his hands, and Caleb & Joshua had the "great idea" to use badminton & tennis rackets to load the leaves. As you can see in the first picture, Andrew is very excited that I have my camera again. It's like when I put on my glasses "Ahhh! THAT'S my Mom!!" He must have been missing the camera in front of my face!!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Back to School, Back to Blog!

This picture was taken with a 35mm camera, and I retook it with the digi camera to post on my blog. It's the boys on their first day of school. Joshua wasn't too impressed because he actually wasn't going to school. He had to wait till later on in the day for Nursery School. Poor boy!!

Some days we walk a lot, like yesterday - there and back 4 times at 10 minutes each time makes for 80 minutes of walking for me. Today it was only once, as Mike was available to take each boy to school, and after school we will be off to the chiropractor's, so we take the van.

Andrew has adjusted to the new schedule. We eat breakfast earlier now, and his nap opportunity is from shortly after 1 till just after 3 pm. I say "opportunity" because he doesn't always use his time in the most constructive manner. By the time 7:30 pm roles around, he's VERY ready for bed!!

Well, to those of you regulars who have missed this blog for the last several weeks, it's back to blogging over here (hehe - I know there's about 0 of you!!). I got my camera back about a week ago yet I haven't taken many pictures. I'm actually used to living without it!! Plus, time is now a factor, what with most of my day getting children dressed, fed, and out the door to school, so there is less time to update you on the monotonous things in our lives! Anyway, check back soon, if you'd like, and I'll let you know the other things going on in our lives.

OK, I just did spell check on this, and I'm finding it humorous that it doesn't recognize the word "blog". Is it me, or is that just strange?