Well, Family, have you ever wondered, is weirdness genetic? It seems that today was just "one of those days" at our house. Caleb was crazy-funny (saying crazy things that only he thought was funny, then laughing like a lunatic), Andrew was unstoppable (falling and hurting himself several times, usually because he was doing things that were beyond his ability), and Joshua was just plain bad - but not that he was trying be bad; he just forgot to think and he had TOO much energy (don't we all have those days...where we don't think, not the energy part). It's one of those days, that now that they're finally in bed, I can laugh about it, but during the day, there were so many moments when I thought to myself, "
WHERE DID THESE CHILDREN COME FROM?!?!?!" If only the answer wasn't..."from us!"
Yesterday, Mike & I got a peak into the life of little Baby Bergmann. An active little individual, that's for sure! During the second part of the ultrasound (the part where it's supposed to be comfortable for the Mom because I FINALLY got to empty my bladder), the little Peanut was kicking up a storm, not too happy about the intrusion he/she thought was over. For those of you who haven't experienced this, a baby kicking against an ultrasound probe is quite uncomfortable! After a few minutes, he/she just gave up and turned his/her back towards us. All looks well from our untrained eye - one head, two arms, two hands, two legs, two feet, etc. All the body parts you'd normally see on a human being in the normal quantities. Not that we were worried about stuff like that, the child will turn out strange enough just growing up with these three older brothers, just waiting for the day to share their strangeness with another little sibling! Oh my, life will never be dull here!