Monday, December 31, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
Friday, December 21, 2007
My Son Joshua
Joshua, 5 years old, star of the Kindergarten class singing "Jingle Bells". If you notice shaking, it's because I'm laughing! Mara, the Educational Assistant, told me this story when I went to get Joshua from school this morning. Yesterday before they had performed in the afternoon, she had moved Joshua to the middle of the line, and he hadn't been too happy about it, but he went along with it. Later in the evening, when she moved him again, he was clearly upset and voiced his disapproval to Mara. So Mara explained that because he projected his voice so well and knew all the words, etc. etc. she wanted him to be in the middle of the class so everyone could benefit from his talents. He said, "Thank you Mara, for explaining that to me." And he sang his little heart out one more time "...oh mutt fun it is to ride in a Wun-orse opened sleigh!"
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Church Christmas Concert 2007
The Toddler Class (2's & 3's) performing "Baa Baa White Sheep". Andrew is on the far side (the shorter one) with the sheep ears on...sucking his thumb. Maybe next year he will sing. :-)
Our a busy, full house!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Getting ready for Christmas
Friday, November 23, 2007
Photo for Month Nine
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Party with Santa
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Christmas Countdown
I had to get the stockings out early this year because I am (still) planning on sewing Natalee her own stocking. Well, Andrew got a hold of them and you can always count on one of the boys to use them as slippers if we let them! The good thing about him wearing the stockings this way is that he put them on himself! He has already mastered undressing himself (only when the mood strikes), so now we're looking forward to dressing, then potty-training...well, definitely not this year.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
First Snow!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Andrew is learning to say more words. He surprises me sometimes. The other day, he was asking where we were going, and I said "No, we're not going anywhere" and he said, "Say home?" Yes! One other time, I asked if he would share his treats with Natalee, and he said, "No, see-woll" (which is cereal - Natalee eats cereal!). There are so many new words he has learned this past little while, it is impossible to write them all down. I tried to upload a video of him, but I haven't quite figured it out yet.
Caleb is learning to read and print words. On Friday, he came home from school and I guess they had been talking about Remembrance Day because he was telling me about the war in Afghanistan, the capital of Canada was Ottawa, and the poppy he was making as a craft.
Joshua is desperately trying to keep pace with Caleb. Whatever Caleb spells out, Joshua will learn too. Sometimes, this makes Caleb upset; I think he wants to be the only one who can read and spell! Also, learning comes very easily to Joshua, and maybe it frustrates Caleb that what he works so hard to learn comes so naturally to his brother. The rivalry has just begun!
Friday, November 02, 2007
Andrew and his stash of candy. He was pretty funny T-or-T-ing. He would run to the door, occasionally saying "tih ah tee", grabbing his candy with a "guck umm" (thank you) and putting it into the bag I was carrying for him, and after a while, asking me to "cawy" him. Mike and I reminisced about the first time we took Caleb and Joshua out (Caleb was 3, Joshua was 2) and how SLOW they were. Andrew was much much faster than they were!
The one thing I definitely want to remember from this year is that the boys ASKED to go home, and we weren't even done our block. We had headed west on Union, gone down and done a short block on Chalmers, come back to Union and continued west, nearly until Watt before we headed back east. We weren't even back to Roch yet, and Caleb and Joshua said they were done and they wanted to go back home! Maybe their bags were too heavy? They did have LOTS of candy and chips already, and it had been maybe 45 minutes since we headed out. It was quite strange to head out in the daylight - we felt like the first one's out, and it was shortly after 6:00. By the time we got home, it was dark and the boys got to hand out a few treats to some trick-or-treaters that came to our door. It was a mad scramble to the door every time the doorbell rang! Joshua said it was the best day ever!