Monday, June 30, 2008
It's definitely summer!
Sunday Trip
Caleb, Just Caleb
Caleb has just finished grade 1 and is looking forward to grade 2. However, just this evening, as we were out and about shopping, he started crying because one of his friends is changing schools. He has such a tender heart, and I think we sometimes forget that with the little tough-boy act he so often puts on. Lately, he's been talking about a little girl named Cheyenne, who chases him at recess time (he loves being chased, and not just by Cheyenne!). This is the map he drew of the school yard with his "plan of escape". I thought it was so cute!
Caleb also has been learning a lot about insects and nature at school this past month. So it's no surprise that he has taken a keener interest in these things outside of school too. One day on the way to school, he stops in the middle of the lane, bends over right in front of me, lifts up a broken off piece of square concrete and peaks underneath. He says, "Well, that's what I'm SUPPOSED to do!" I just said, "Oh" and then he proceeds to explain to me that his teacher told him that all different kinds of bugs live under rocks and that he was told he should take a look sometime!
Here he is with a lady bug. He loves to let them crawl all over him.
Soccer season has ended. Here he is after his final game with his team. It was definitely a learning year! What a change from the much more relaxed pace of the 4-6 year old mixed teams he played on the last two years. He is in the back row, second from your left.
And he seems to be doing much more of this lately! I don't know if he's growing, if his night-owl brother Joshua is keeping him up too late at night, or if school has just exhausted him! If he gets a time-out, he'll fall asleep within 5 minutes, and it's very hard to get him to wake up!
And that's just a bit about my son Caleb.
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Greeter
The cutest thing these days is whenever the front door opens, Natalee says "hi!" Even when I'm carrying her and we're heading out together, as soon as I open the door, she calls out "hi!"
My Cute Kids
And Joshua. This is his fourth cast. The first two were the hard-backed casts, the third one they put on was a day cast that he could take off at night and for baths, but by the second day he had swelling and pain in his arm, so two days after having the day cast, he was back at Cast Clinic for another hard-back cast. We go again next week to see what the next thing/cast will be. (Caleb, although very cute too, was not included in this post only because I don't have a picture of him from most recent camera download).
Monday, June 09, 2008
Baby's Heartbeat
Turn your speakers on and hit the play button! Here is our first listen of Baby's heartbeat, from my June 5th appointment. It's beating at approximately 160 bpm. I always find that first listen to be so incredibly remarkable!
Soccer Season is in Full Swing
Thursday, June 05, 2008
It's Official, Baby #5 to Arrive in December
I saw Midwife Janet today and a heartbeat was actually found! I was convinced it was just a lump of cells, some kind of odd mutation, that was making me feel sick, tired, and just plain grumpy and moody!! However, there was a very strong little heart beating at 160 bpm!! I'll try to post a short video of that after I upload it. My EDD is December 27, but if things follow the trend, it may be closer to the beginning of December that this baby arrives. Whenever he/she decides to come, it will definitely be a very memorable Christmas! I need a nap just thinking about that.
Natalee and Andrew were also in to see their Doctor today. Andrew managed to make it through without any full-blown hysterics. His problem was that he had to strip down to his diaper for the exam - not his idea of a good time, but between his thumb and his Mom, he survived.
Andrew has grown FOUR INCHES this past year! He is at the same height that Joshua was at this age, but weighs nearly five pounds more. I don't have Caleb's stats for this age. He is definitely going to be a big boy! His large feet really seem to indicate that, as well as his recent growth.
Meanwhile, Natalee has dropped off the charts! She is so small, apparently she does not register in any percentile. She has to go back in another three months for another weight check. Hopefully she will not be as sick as she has been these past three months so she can actually keep some weight on. I am not concerned; she eats well, her digestive system works well, and she's happy, content, and moving all over that house. She's also trying more sounds with her mouth each day. It's been so exciting to have such a young child who is interested in talking!
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