Monday, February 15, 2010

Road Saskatchewan

One reason why I don't post as much on my blog any more is because of the problems I am encountering with Blogger. I have tried to rearrange the pictures, but I am beyond frustrated here they are in no particular order!

The first picture is of Wyatt crying, obviously. He did pretty good travelling, but when he was tired or hungry, he complained. Life isn't always roses! :)

The second picture is of the church Mike spoke at - and the whole purpose of our trip! We arrived at the church just after 3 pm on Saturday afternoon and got a quick tour of it. It had a total of fourteen benches, seven on each side of the aisle. I think each bench would comfortably seat five people. After church on Sunday, we went down to the basement and ate a potluck lunch together. Including the seven of us, I think the total attendance for church that morning was 35.

Here are the kids eating the trail mix we made on Friday afternoon.

Below...the four older children slept in the same room at the house we were staying at. It was a newer house built by a couple who go to the church pictured above. They had built it as their retirement home, but then the mining company came along and pretty much turned their lives upside down. Anyway, they had moved out in fall since a house had pretty much fallen into their laps. In the meantime, this house will stand empty until the mining company takes over in October 2011. Here are Caleb and Joshua - and Wyatt - in their "bed".
Sam the dog. He was a BIG hit with Caleb & Joshua!
Below, the Saskatchewan sign as we drove into Saskatchewan. The weather in Manitoba was a little blustery and the Yellowhead highway was rather snowy, but it cleared up as we headed into Saskatchewan and the highways improved to perfect driving conditions.

A pram for Natalee's dollies!!! So much fun for her! Don't tell anyone, but I also saw Caleb and Joshua pushing it around too! :)

At the family's home where we went for supper on Saturday evening, there was an amazing homemade rocking horse. Andrew really enjoyed it. I was tempted to try it out too, but I didn't think that would be appropriate.

Wyatt checking out the cat. The cats were very gentle and used to small children.

Again, the house we stayed at. The kitchen was great! It was huge! Here are the kids eating their snack on Saturday night. And Wyatt had a great time exploring the (empty) kitchen cupboards.

Here's the food they left for us. Basically, they only needed to provide us breakfast for Sunday. They also added in some snacks for the kids and there was even more food in the fridge. It was great! Mmmmm, fresh home made bread!!!

A cool church along the Yellowhead...

Catching up

I call the above picture, "Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures." Maybe it's teething, maybe it's something else, but at times, Wyatt refuses to nap. If he gets in a 5 minute nap on the sled on the way to school before lunch, he will not nap in the afternoon. That makes for a long, long day for all of us. So on this specific day, he fell asleep as we were on our way to pick up the boys. I brought the sled in and he slept through lunch. We brought the boys back to school after lunch and came home...I brought the sled in again and let Wyatt continue his sleep. He woke up at about 2:30 and he was not exceptionally happy then either...
Andrew and Natalee licking the leftover pink icing...

The cookies we decorated for Valentine's Day! Very yummy!

Wyatt in his Canada Olympics get-up.