Monday, May 23, 2011

Random Cuteness that makes me smile

 Wyatt lying down with his baby, waiting for a diaper change.


 A little boy who no longer needs a booster seat eating breakfast in just a diaper and bib...

 ...the most adorable little feet...

I "caught" Andrew organizing the cans in my pantry. 
Random helpfulness.

Mother's Day 2011

Andrew's Birthday, 2011

Wow, three birthday kids in two months! 
And eight birthday parties?  Or maybe more...
 Andrew also had his very first "friends" birthday party.  First we went bowling, and then we came back home for birthday cake.  He requested lemon cupcakes which were not a big hit with some of his friends.  Most of us found them to be absolutely delicious, but lemon is, apparently, an acquired taste. 

 Sunday, May 15th, Andrew woke up and had pancakes for breakfast. 
Then he opened up this for his present.  A keyboard! 
It was very exciting indeed until we realized that we needed to buy an adaptor or battery's to play it.  No cord included!
Birthday "cake".  Home made ice cream sandwiches with sprinkles on the sides. 
These turned out to be twice as thick as the picture shown with the recipe I used. 
However, they were very yummy!
Andrew is now a strapping 6 year old.  :)

Natalee's Birthday, 2011

 Natalee had her first "friends" birthday party this year!  She asked for cupcakes with sprinkles on them.  She was so excited to have three little girls over to help her celebrate!

 March 7th, Natalee didn't really open presents. 
We presented her with this very pink, warm flannel quilt cover that I sewed for her.
Our little girl is 4 years old!

 That evening, the theme was "pizza" for supper. 
She had requested cheeze pizza and I made a cookie pizza for dessert.  Yummy!

And a Strawberry Shortcake skirt-cake for yet ANOTHER birthday celebration! 
Also another very yummy cake.

This is the cake with the frog cupcakes surrounding it,
since boys don't necessarily like to eat "pink" cakes!

Caleb's Birthday, 2011

We celebrated Caleb's 10th birthday with his friends on a very, very cold day at the end of February.  We went toboganning...for a few minutes, as it was extremely cold on the hill! The boys had a lot of fun and fortunately, no one got frostbite.  At the very end of the party, one of Caleb's friends hit a tree at the bottom of the toboggan run.  He was taken to hospital and limped away with a bruised leg. 

 Joined birthday party for Caleb and Natalee with family.  It was Caleb's idea to have blue icing on the side, white icing on top, red writing, and mini peanut butter cups around the outside of the cake.  It was pretty yummy!

 Caleb opened his gifts on March 12.  A camo jacket.

Caleb and his homeboys on "wacky hair" day at school.

More of Sleeping Beauty...

Hooray, we got our new computer!!!  I uploaded 120 pictures and videos from my camera, and here are a few I took of the most wonderful thing in the world - a picture of a sleeping toddler!  Poor guy is cutting his 2 year molars.

 Sick baby.  :(

At the foot of Natalee's bed.

 With his baby's...

 Half on Natalee's bed, half on his bed.  Ouch?

I love how he often has his arms up with his hands under his head.