Saturday, September 22, 2012


 Gold medal winners! First in their league!!!

 Freaky. Just freaky.
The boy behind the disguise has started guitar lessons (and the oldest is once again in piano).

 This young fellow has started gymnastics. 

 And this very excited young lady has started Dance.

 Mike's Birthday.

Made a dessert called Reese's Fudge Pie. Oh. My. Word.

Happy Fall!

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

BTS '12

 The youngest Bergmann ready for school.

 The whole crew ready to go. Only the three oldest boys were actually in school today.
Wyatt had his interview with his new teacher and Natalee, who is in 
the same classroom but at a different time, was at the interview as well.

I love that Wyatt's backpack is almost as big as he is.
So cute how he's having a conversation and walking to school with his big brother.

It was a good day.

Monday, September 03, 2012

Last Blast of Summer

I always get sad when school and fall are just around the corner. As a kid, I was always so happy to go back to school, but now...the strict routine, re-introduction of mass quantities of germs, and the school issues  (ie. behaviour) that inevitably comes home with the children is just plain exhausting. Almost as exhausting as having five children at home all day every day for two months!

Here's how we enjoyed the last few days of summer...

 Natalee learned to ride a 2-wheeler!
(Wyatt in the background walking his bike on training wheels.)

 A make shift bathtub. Potty training is not as easy as it sounds. :)

 The three oldest boys on one of their favourite rides.

 Natalee in action!

 My boys are so brave!!

 Andrew is fearless.  He laughed at me freaking out on the ferris wheel.

 Wyatt waiting for "beaver" rollercoaster.  He must have ridden it about 10 times.

Four Bergmann's in an apple. Caleb thought that this ride was too much for him.


 So cute.

 Extra cute.

 Caleb keeping the littlest ones in line.

 Ah yes.  Dr. Beeber is here.

 Someone lost a tooth at Rainbow Falls as he was eating his sandwich!

 The best part of our time at Rainbow Falls was watching Tucker run across the top of the "falls" in the hopes of creating a play dog chase with another dog...realizing he was in WATER, trying to get back to the side, falling in, and swimming vigorously to safety.

 An ice cream cone bigger than his head!


 I purposely positioned the camera so that the (dead) tree would come out of the top of his head. :)  
Mom of the Year Award? Yes please.

 Tucker(ed) out on the drive home.

 How we pass the time driving. We hope her face doesn't stay that way.

 One last hurrah at the pool!!

 Natalee actually loved the pool even though you can't tell by this picture.

 The twins in their matchy matchies.

Here's hoping for a healthy school year!!