Can you count all the human-like figures on Caleb's drawing? He's quite the budding little artist. Over the past couple of weeks (since school has started) he has enjoyed printing and drawing much more! It's exciting to see how quickly his pictures have gone from scribbles to recognizable images!
The images are, L-R: Andrew, Joshua, unnamed (& unfinished), Mommy (yellow), Caleb & Daddy. What Caleb doesn't seem to understand is that I'm using his artwork to let you know that the unnamed & unfinished image in the above picture is looking more human-like each day. I'm just past 3 months pregnant with what we trust will be our 4th child. Despite early problems with bleeding along with the usual unpleasant early pregnancy symptoms, the second trimester is turning out to be better than I've ever had. Baby's heartbeat is healthy and normal and he/she is making his/her presence known by my expanding eager-to-stretch waistline!!
It's interesting to hear other people's reactions to our news. For the most part, couples our age are excited for us; older people, not so keen; and the young singles think we're crazy! Most people "have" to ask us if we're wanting a girl...like something's wrong with boys!! So many things could be said about their comments, but I don't want to be trying to convince someone that children are a blessing from God. If He has chosen to bless us with another life, then He will provide for us what we need, whether it be money, or more patience, or often times, something we don't even know that we're lacking! It is sad to me that society now views children as a "responsibility" and a drain on our income.
Well, as this new adventure unfolds, you may find my opinions on this matter voiced on this blog. After all, this blog is for me to comment on the joys and struggles of parenthood and to let you know what I've learned...I'm sure the next 6 months will only add more to the insights and frustrations I will encounter as I will undoubtedly be subject to other people's views on child bearing and family planning!! The good news is that this baby is very much loved and wanted by his/her three little brothers & Mommy & Daddy. Caleb & Joshua have been praying for months already for another little baby (more specifically, a sister) and we know that God tells us He hears the prayers of those who have child-like faith.
1 comment:
I really liked seeing that Caleb is between his parents!
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