Andrew Pre-Op, in his cute little yellow & white striped hospital gown. Needless to say, his cuteness quickly won him many new Nurse friends!
We arrived at Children's Hospital at 6:30 a.m. and registered for Day Surgery. Andrew was all smiles. I was worried about him asking for juice and food to eat. It turns out I needn't have worried - there were so many toys to play with, he kept himself busy until it was time to go into the O.R.

The playroom on the Day Surgery ward had some pretty cool trucks to play with.

Here we are in the play/waiting room on the Surgery Ward. There were about six or seven ride-on toys for Andrew to test out, and he tested out almost all of them.

Here he is Post-Op. Surgery was scheduled for 7:45 a.m., and he was taken from my arms, screaming, at 8:00 a.m. We watched as he cried his way down the hallway in the nurses arms. At about 9:00 a.m. I spoke on the phone with the surgeon and she told me everything had gone well and had a few more instructions regarding his pain medication, bathing, and that sort of thing. About 15 minutes later, we got the call to go see him in the Recovery Room. We walked in to see him cuddled up in a nurse's arms, but as soon as he saw Mommy and Daddy, that's the only place he wanted to be.
So by 9:45 a.m. we were back up on the Day Surgery Ward. Andrew drank like a camel, ate home-made cookies (GUCK-EEE!!), and relaxed in Daddy's arms for nearly an hour. Then he was ready to test out his legs. He was a little unsteady, but was soon walking around, exploring, although he was quite upset by the IV stuck in his hand and the short leash it kept him on. Then all we had to do was wait for him to pee, and FINALLY, at around 12:30 p.m. the joyous event occured! There was great happiness as this meant the IV could come out of his little hand and we could finally go home! What a tough little guy!
Brave little boy. and you are right he sure is cute in that gown. hope he heals well and doesn't complain about the pain too much!
Yah, it's like when the going gets tough , the TOUGH get going ,eh ANDREW ??? Love you guys,j&e .
Glad everything went well!
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