I went in for a fetal assessment this morning. The picture above, just to the left of the "Hi Mom" is baby's hand.

On this picture, baby's side of the head is
smushed up against the very top. The left side of his/her face is against the very top, and you can see the eye socket, nose, lips and nice round cheek. You can not see on these pictures, but Baby already has a nice head of hair, although it's probably thin and blond (just a guess!!). The nurse who did the fetal assessment guesses that baby already weighs about six and a half pounds. Now, if the baby were to go to term, 40 weeks, gaining the estimated average half pound per week...that makes for a VERY healthy sized baby!!
ok I see what you were warning me about signing on before posting. what a hassle.
anyways, what an AWSOME picture!! I had to show Kiernan what it was, but she caught on quickly.
6lbs now eh.. they told me that with Logan at this point of that pregnancy... I know your blonde haired baby will be lighter than he was at birth. Maybe you won't be a month over due.. that all helps. ;)
how exciting angela... thanks for showing us the ultrasound pics
how fun!
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