Saturday, June 23, 2007

Soccer 2007

Caleb and Joshua played for "The Lions" this year. They were among the best players on their team! In one game, Caleb scored 5 goals! Joshua started the year off a little cautiously, but by the end of the season, he was scoring goals along with his brother and pretty much dominating the soccer field! They are both aggressive players. The each got a medal and a water bottle at the end of the season.
Andrew...more inclined for baseball possibly, as a back catcher? Guess we'll see!
Taking shots on goal.
Joshua as goalie, preparing for a big kick.
The brothers, waiting during warm-up for their chance to score. Joshua in the black hat, Caleb in the green. Their coach thanked us for putting them in different colored hats so that she could tell them apart! During the hot games when they weren't wearing their hats, the coaches had a hard time telling them apart, especially when they were running past them all the time!

Friday, June 22, 2007

No thumb sucking

She's not a thumb sucker...but she's a finger sucker. As hard as I tried to get her to take a soother, Natalee prefers her own fingers. What can you do. Oh well, the one benefit is that she will be able to soothe herself during the night and I won't have to get up to help her find her soother!
The 22nd today - time for the photo shoot with her pink bear. I think she's beginning to like the little bear!
I was trying to get a different pose out of her, but obviously she was too hungry to cooperate! She has such sweet, innocent, blue eyes!
This is what the sky looked like this evening. There were reports of tornadoes to the south of us. Fortunately, we didn't experience much severe weather here, just some lightning and thunder that didn't sound very close, but it kept the boys chattering and jumping around and worrying about the possibility of a big storm! By bed time, the show was over and they were able to fall asleep quickly.

Monday, June 11, 2007


Here's Natalee's first little friend! Tessa, on the right, is one day younger than Natalee. Isn't she a cutie? You can't see too clearly, but her hair is red!! I am so excited that Natalee will have Tessa to be friends with as they grow up.
Tessa has a backyard. There is a small patch of mud in her big backyard. Guess who insisted on playing in the little patch of mud and not with the toys in the big backyard? Didn't I once post something on here about boys being a sound with dirt on it or something like that?????

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Bye-bye, Training Wheels!

So I learned something new on Friday. Apparently, it's a fact that you don't learn to ride a bike without training wheels on your OWN bike; only on some one else's bike!! We were visiting some friend's on Friday, and the boys headed outside after supper, where Caleb jumped on the 2-wheeler and promptly started driving around like he'd always done so! Well, the next day, that's all the boys could do! We headed off to a nearby park (with the training wheels still on); then I removed the training wheels, and VOILA! Two boys, riding their bikes around the park like they'd been doing it for months! It was a very exciting day for Caleb & Joshua!!
Joshua interrupted his soccer practice with Daddy just so I could get a picture of him on his bike.
Of course, Andrew needed his picture taken too...

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Three Months Old

Natalee and Andrew were at the Doctor's last week for check-ups. Natalee weighed in at 10 lbs. 10 oz. and was 23 inches long. Andrew was 26 lbs.!! He was just under 18 lbs. one year ago - and he also grew just over 4 inches since last year!
This is Natalee today - exactly three months old. Caleb took this picture - he was running around the house today with the camera snapping pictures; some of them, I don't even know what they are!! He definitely enjoys using the camera!

Monday, June 04, 2007

It's June Already!

Joshua was at a friend's birthday party this afternoon... Andrew wanted his picture taken after I had taken Joshua's, so here he is - note the belly button picking.
Here are our four little monkey's in our bed last night in their p.j.'s.
We were at Tinker Town last weekend. Joshua and Caleb enjoyed the rides...
...and Andrew had a great time too! It was his first time on this kind of a ride. At first, he just sat there and sucked his thumb, but when we tried to remove him from the ride (when it was done), he threw a temper tantrum.