She's not a thumb sucker...but she's a finger sucker. As hard as I tried to get her to take a soother, Natalee prefers her own fingers. What can you do. Oh well, the one benefit is that she will be able to soothe herself during the night and I won't have to get up to help her find her soother!

The 22
nd today - time for the photo shoot with her pink bear. I think she's beginning to like the little bear!

I was trying to get a different pose out of her, but obviously she was too hungry to cooperate! She has such sweet, innocent, blue eyes!

This is what the sky looked like this evening. There were reports of tornadoes to the south of us. Fortunately, we didn't experience much severe weather here, just some lightning and thunder that didn't sound very close, but it kept the boys chattering and jumping around and worrying about the possibility of a big storm! By bed time, the show was over and they were able to fall asleep quickly.
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