Natalee was just at the Doctor today (July 11th) for her 4-month well baby check-up. She has grown 1 inch in length and gained over one pound since her last check-up on June 1st. But she still is, quite easily, our smallest baby! Here's some stats to compare - at 4 months, Caleb was 17 pounds 4 oz. and 25.5" long; Joshua was 17.2 lbs. and 26.25" long; Andrew was 14.3 lbs. and 25" long. Natalee weighed in at 12 lbs. 4 oz. and was 25" long. She sleeps through the night (from about 9 pm to 6 am, usually) and naps 3 times during the day. She enjoys playing on the floor, lying under her gym, and looking at people's faces. She's getting stronger and likes to "stand" for a few seconds when we hold her. She did roll over from her tummy to her back the other day, but it hasn't happened since. She prefers lying on her back, much like her brothers did at this age. She usually is very content and easy-going when she is at home on her own schedule. She has also laughed a few times, when I've been talking to her.

This picture was taken June 29th. Yes, Natalee was crying. I don't remember why. It seems that whenever I want to take "group shots" of the 4 of them, she ends up crying; so I have to take individual pictures of her when she's happy so I don't look back and think she was always crying. I think it's a sign of things to come. By that, I am thinking of when Caleb or Joshua try to help Andrew with something like washing his hands or putting on his sandals...Andrew starts freaking out because he ONLY wants help from Mommy or Daddy!! I asked Joshua what he had done to his brother to make him this way. His response:
"I dunno."
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