We were happy that after days of rain, we woke up to clear, sunny skies for the first day back to school. Caleb is in grade 2 and Joshua is in grade 1. Caleb came home to say that Grade 2 is way better than grade 1, and Joshua was excited to get a new "science book" (day planner).

Andrew thought he needed to be in the picture too, and was probably quite disappointed that he couldn't go to school too.

Yay! Joshua learned to tie his shoes about a week ago...after much "teaching" and frustration on Mom's part.

And they're off! Joshua is way out in front, then Andrew, and Caleb conserving his energy at the back.

Natalee had her 18 month picture taken yesterday. Here she is pre-pictures. The real thing turned out great! I moved the vacuum cleaner away from the stairs, and now she's suddenly going up and down all by herself!
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