Sunday, November 30, 2008

Wyatt Nathaniel

Wyatt (means "little fighter") Nathaniel (means "gift of God") was born early (35 weeks) on November 28th. He is in the NICU right now, although I was discharged today. I will be going back and forth to the hospital throughout the day for several days to come. We don't know how long he will be in the NICU - it's a day to day process as his little body works to catch up on the work it has to do in order for him to breathe and eat on his own. I will try to post something here each day, but things will be just a little hectic and I may not always have time.

All things considered, Wyatt is doing well and proving himself to be a little fighter. He has a reputation for being cranky and trying to pull his CPAP (oxygen tubes) out. He also has an antibiotic IV right now as a precaution. His blood cultures will be back today and then we'll see if the antibiotics continue or not. They ended up giving him a sedative yesterday because he was fighting so much to get the machine off of his nose, and today he was doing very well, his breathing was not nearly as laboured, his respirations were falling down within a more normal range, and he was resting quietly (for a change!). I was finally allowed to hold him (I had held him only briefly for a few seconds after he was born), and he is tiny, but strong.


Erin said...

Congratulations Mike & Angela!! He is a beautiful little boy and I pray that he will improve quickly and come home soon to be with his family!

Mum-me said...

I just stumbled across your blog and have read a bit of the journey you have been on the past few weeks. I wanted to say thank you, because 5 of the 6 times I was pregnant I just wished the baby would come early, and after reading your story I am now so glad they didn't.

Hope you can bring your little fighter home very soon.