Friday, December 12, 2008

Starting to Wake Up

Wyatt has been off of his nasal prongs for three whole days now! He did have one desat. over night though.

Most days, I am there for three feedings - at 11 am, 2 pm, and 8 pm. (He is on a very strict three hour feeding schedule). Today, he breastfed at all three times! He has been waking up on his own and is alert and hungry enough to feed pretty well - the nurses are all quite impressed by his breastfeeding abilities.

Yesterday, Wyatt had a bit of a fit. He was given a bottle and took his whole feed that way at 5 pm, and I guess he swallowed/gulped a lot of air. So he never really settled down completely, and by the time I got there at 7:30, he didn't know if he was tired or hungry or what. Nothing I could do was right and he kept getting angrier and angrier. Finally the nurse gavaged him, pulled out some air from his tummy, filled him up, and he finally fell into a content sleep.

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