Natalee dressed in the clown costume (underneath) with the puppy costume over top. She really enjoys putting on clothes. Andrew with his pirate hat, and Wyatt with his cat toque. The toque didn't cover his ears, so he didn't wear it for trick-or-treating.

Carving our pumpkins on Friday night. Wyatt had a good feel of the pumpkin guts and he seemed pretty impressed. Here are our finished jack-o-lanterns:

The other part of Wyatt's costume. Yeah, he REALLY loves his Mummy! :)

Halloween evening before the candy hunt begins! Caleb and Joshua in their glow-in-the-dark skeleton costumes, Andrew as a pirate, Natalee the puppy, and Wyatt the baby.

think Joshua might be allergic to his costume. He wore it at school on Friday afternoon and when he came home, he complained of being itchy so I took a look and found THIS. Thus began the hives saga which got much worse Saturday night after trick-or-treating but today has been a lot better. These huge welt-like areas come and go, along with the intense itching. Some of the welts have been bigger than the size of my hand. Not fun.