Blogger is not letting me rearrange my pictures...so here they are in reverse order. Perhaps start at the bottom so this makes more sense. Above, Natalee cuddling with Wyatt's praying bear.

His favourite present - a box! :)

Not too messy!

Yummy cupcake! He really enjoyed the icing!

He was totally enthralled with the candle flame!

Wyatt grabbed a piece of raw broccoli and enjoyed sucking on it.

Look who's one year sweet!

The finished product!

Caleb cut the marshmallows for the eyes and drew on the mouths.

Andrew put the marshmallows on the cupcakes and Joshua dotted the eye balls with icing.
1 comment:
I'm going to make an attempt to make cupcakes like that when it's my turn :)
When you upload it's easiest to start with the "last" picture.
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