Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead

On Wednesday there was a bit of a breeze, with a forecast high of 100 F (I think it actually exceeded that).  It was hot in the shade!  We had planned to hit an outdoor attraction, so with waterbottles in hand and a picnic lunch packed, we found our way to the Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead.  There were so many cool things here, I can not post all the pictures I took, and I really didn't take enough pictures as it is!  We'd all like to go back some day.  But preferably on a much cooler day.  :)
 The school house.

 Natalee hard at work with her chalk and slate.


 The school marm in the background.

 Andrew working the land.

 Princess on a cow.

 Kids on the cow-ch.

 Wyatt's favourite part of the Farmstead - peddle tractors!

 Feeding pygmy goats.  The older goats were very aggressive and kept on trying to take the bottle away from the younger goats.

 Pony rides.

 Fishing with cane rods!

 Each boy caught a fish.
Our friend Taylor caught 4 fish!

 On the hayride. (smiling)

 Relaxing in the shade.

 Eagle.  There were also some bobcats but they were sleeping.
There were mainly farm animals there (cows, pigs, goats to name a few) and Wyatt was not too happy about that.  Everything was "hurt me?"  Mike took him into the goat enclosure to feed a baby goat from a bottle and for the rest of the trip we heard, "Goat hurt me?"

 The butterfly gardens.

 A massive set of about 6 windchimes along the nature path.

 Butterfly house.

 Three beautiful flowers.

 The boys loved the mining! 
They each got a bag of rough and ended up with a small bag of pretty stones.
There were several playstructures there.  We found one animal Wyatt is not scared of.
After we said good-bye to Brandi and her children, we headed back to our apartment and went for a swim.

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