Tuesday, April 10, 2012

God Answers Children's Prayers


If you don't know me very well, you may not know that I am an animal person.
And more specifically, a dog person.
It seems that at least two of my children follow in my foot steps.
Caleb and Joshua have been asking for a dog for...well, a long time. 
Maybe two years.  Probably even longer than that.
I always told them that we'd "talk about it" once there were no more diapers in our house.

There are still diapers in our house.
there is now a dog.

 When I told the boys yesterday that their dog was coming tomorrow (Tuesday),
they could not believe it!
Caleb kept saying, "Am I dreaming?!?  Tell me I'm not dreaming!"
Apparently, they'd only been praying for a dog for one week.

Just one week?

 Caleb trying to avoid "kisses" from Tucker.

Playing fetch with Tucker.
They can not get enough of Tucker!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congrats on your new four-legged family member! What a cutie!