Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Grade 6 Farewell - June 25, 2013

Honestly, I have been missing the craft of blogging lately. Lots of events have happened in our lives the past 6 months, and none quite as exciting as today. I have uploaded some pictures and hopefully I will be able to play catch up over the next couple of days...as we head into summer and the kids are at home. Great logic, isn't it?? (Yes, I'm being sarcastic).

Today, Caleb (and 15 classmates) said "Farewell" to the school that they have gone to for the last eight years. Actually, there are only six students that have been in this school from Nursery to Grade 6. I made sure to take a picture of the six of them. Yesterday, we had fun looking at school pictures from the past eight years...it's really hard to believe that he's moving on to Junior High already!

Here are a few pictures from today.

 Looking dapper in his suit.

 Caleb and his BFF.

"We're outta here!"

I was expecting this today to be fairly emotional for me and I had been preparing myself for it while at the same time, almost dreading it. Although it was somewhat bittersweet, I can honestly say that I am excited for Caleb and what his future holds. He is a very bright boy, athletic and smart, and he has proven himself to be very responsible and tender hearted. Just not all the time. He's still a kid, I don't blame him! 

[Interesting to note that today (June 25th), it has been 20 years since I graduated from High School.]

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