After Andrew & I bbq'd chicken for supper, we went outside to play - that was Andrew's choice. I asked him if he wanted to go downstairs to play or outside, and he headed for the door. I'm surprised how much he understands already. I shouldn't be surprised, but because he's not saying any words, I guess I wonder sometimes how much he understands. I guess he's storing it all inside his little head, and suddenly one day...it will all come out!
Andrew has the mischieviousness, no-fear attitude of Joshua, combined with the quiet, cautious side of Caleb. Don't ask me how that works, because it's contradictory. But look at the way he climbs up the slide, and slides back down...on his belly! He tries EVERYTHING, but cautiously!! He has figured out how to climb up onto the back of the loveseat and stand on top by the window & bang on it as loud as he can - hands or head!
Last night, Andrew discovered almost accidentally that he could stand up on his own without hanging on to everything. He's been standing & furniture walking for several months, but has been reluctant to step out on his own. We were outside and he was busy playing with a stick and just stood up, still focussed on the stick. I clapped & cheered; he looked at me, wondering what the fuss was all about. Suddenly, it was all about him, up & down, up & down, so pleased with himself that he could stand up all by himself. He LOVED it that I was so excited for him! Later, when we were doing our devotions, he started standing up & walking all over the boys' room like a MAD man. It was so funny & cute. He's an "evening walker", for now! Will let you know when he takes that bold step to full time walking!
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