So to add on and include a picture of the third boy in our family, here is a beautiful picture of Andrew enjoying the water! You can clearly see how many teeth he has. He is in the process of cutting some teeth, so he will have 12 teeth very soon. I am so blessed that teething has not bothered him thus far (that I've noticed), and he's been a pretty happy little guy for the most part. Unfortunately, all 3 boys have colds now, but we're getting over the worst of it.
Andrew is also on the verge of walking. Any day now, I'm expecting him to go to full time walking. He furniture walks all over the house, & takes small steps between things, but he seems to reluctant to give up crawling & just get up and go on 2 legs!! I know that the time will come soon enough; I'm hoping it will help to keep him a little cleaner & dryer when he plays outside. Having to do laundry two, three times a week (or more) just isn't that fun in a house without a/c. But I will not complain about the hot weather. We are happily enjoying the free wading pool close to our house (about an 8-10 minute walk). Andrew practices his walking in the pool with the support of the water (and the use of my fingers & sore back) and he loves keeping wet & cool, as we all do! Will try to get some pics of that here soon.
wow! the pictures are gorgeous! you have the cutest boys :) can't wait to see them next week.
Hi Ang, your boys are so cute!
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