Another weigh-in today. This time, GREAT news! Natalee gained 1 and a half ounces in less than 24 hours!! The experts want to see them gain a half ounce a day. This weight gain, which puts her up to 6 lbs. 2.5 oz., also brings her weight loss from her
birthweight into the acceptable range. She initially lost 11.5%, now she's at 7%
birthweight loss. I think this also will mean that she will soon start to act like a "normal" baby; so far, she has been extremely content, sleeping lots and hardly ever crying. Maybe she will continue to be very content, but I'm going to count on it!
1 comment:
What a cute picture. I've never thought of doing such a simple picture and getting so much out of it. I'm sure you werent' going for that but still.. I really like it.
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