Does the pink give it away? Here is our LITTLE GIRL!! Her name is Natalee Ann. She was born Wednesday, March 7 at 2:53 a.m. (3 weeks and one day ahead of her due date). She weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 19.25 inches long. Things went smoothly the first couple of days - she latched on well, slept lots and was a "good" baby. However, on Friday morning, the weigh scale indicated she had dropped far too much weight (the acceptable level is 8% body weight, and she dropped 11.5%), but thanks to God and with much effort on my part (pumping and squirting milk into her mouth because she was too tired to eat), she seemed to "turn the corner" over night and was able to stop her weight loss. However, I will have lots of work over the next couple of weeks (probably until around her due date) trying to keep her well fed and well rested. The boys are so happy to welcome their baby sister home. I will try to post pictures of them with her as soon as I can.
Congrats! She is so sweet! Hope everything continues to go well and she starts gaining some weight!
Congratulations - another girl for the Warkentin family!!
She's beautiful - we look forward to seeing her soon.
Trust all will continue to go well with feeding, sleeping, and all the rest.
What a beautiful baby girl!! I am so happy for you guys, and wishing you all the best!! God Bless!!
Congrats Ang Mike and gang! She is a beauty already. Wishing you all the best as you raise her.
a girl!!!! congrats to you all :) she looks so sweet. what a precious gift.
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