At our house, movie night revolves heavily around the snacks...
Friday, December 29, 2006
Movie Night
At our house, movie night revolves heavily around the snacks...
Time to Play on Christmas Day
Santa's Visit

We were watching slides from my childhood the other day and there were a couple of pictures of a coffin being put into the ground. Caleb and Joshua have already been exposed to this and so they knew what this was all about. Caleb said, "YAY! Someone's going to heaven!" Then he asked me, "Mommy, will Santa be in heaven?"

Christmas Eve - PRESENTS!!

Christmas Eve, Pre-Presents

Actually, it was Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie, but Caleb found the Beast too scary. I don't blame him. The Beast is a very angry and violent character.

Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas Joy
Thursday, December 21, 2006
More Christmas Fun

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Ready for Christmas...I think!

A BIG THANK-YOU goes to my Uncle Henry for fixing up my scroll saw in record time - he picked it up one Friday afternoon in November and had it done the next day! After spending several hours cutting out the wood pieces in the chilly fall air, I tried sanding 24 pieces by hand (most of these are eight to ten inches tall, and two inches thick). It was exhausting & I was getting nowhere fast. So from a nice early birthday present I received from my in-laws, I purchased a belt sander, and during a COLD stretch at the end of November, I finished up the sanding in only another few hours. Then began the priming & painting. Joshua helped with the priming, Caleb helped paint the trees. Unfortunately, after a few pieces had been finished and put out under the tree, the boys were playing with the figures like they were WWF wrestlers. So I have moved everything out of reach, on top of our computer armoire. After all the time and effort I put into these, I find it hard to watch my STUFF being tossed around by little boys!

Merry Christmas to all, and find time to relax and enjoy some good Christmas baking this year!

Anyway, here's some pictures of Andrew over the last week or so. The first two pictures are of Andrew enjoying his snack - Golden Grahams cereal (a little treat we have in the house ONLY because I needed as an ingredient for a recipe I made) - in his little corner of the kitchen. After
he had finished his first little bowl full, he was pointing and screaming at the cereal box, wanting more. He really loves his sugar cereals!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Sunday School Christmas Concert

A few pictures from the Sunday School Christmas Concert. Joshua's class (Pre-schoolers) performed two songs. The top photo shows the class playing kazoo's and ringing bells to "O Come, Little Children." The bottom photo is their first number, singing "Our Little Pine Tree." Fortunately, Joshua was able to make it, but only with the help of some Tylenol. He's been running a fever and suffers from a miserable cough and exhaustion. Sure do miss the Little Energizer Bunny!!
Can you find Caleb in the choir picture? Front row, near the middle. I was surprised by the amount of words he knew for the songs, considering that he didn't go to all the practices, and the one's he did attend, he was goofing off with the other Kindergarteners and Grade 1 kids. I guess his amazing memory came in handy!!
Friday, December 08, 2006

On the couch, the 4 youngest children.

Robb, aka The Pastor, speaking to the children about Advent.

Orien and Olivia as Joseph & Mary. Note the baby in Mary's tummy!
Calvin and Joshua

Caleb and Silas as the shepherds. Andrew was also supposed to a shepherd, but was more interested in getting into trouble (as usual), and Elliot was just plain tired!! If you think the pictures are cute, you should have seen them "in real life!!!"
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