Here's what happened on Christmas Eve, at Grandpa & Grandma Bergman's, before we opened presents. Andrew's favourite toy, above.

Grandma Bergman inflicted a scary movie on the boys instead of giving them sugar ;-)
Actually, it was Beauty and the Beast Christmas movie, but Caleb found the Beast too scary. I don't blame him. The Beast is a very angry and violent character.

Wow! Mike's sleeping! (hope you can note my sarcasm).

Grandma B. tried to get Joshua to nap with her - hehe! Joshua had other ideas. He read Grandma some books in bed. It was cute!

While the other two were in bed, Caleb played with this car. I can't believe they left the huge pile of presents alone for 4 hours while Andrew napped. They did very well!

Talk about a peaceful winter's nap. Here's Andrew napping with his puppy in the playpen. He didn't even flinch when I took this picture, and the flash on my camera is really bright & annoying!
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