On Tuesday evenings, we are involved in an Alpha gathering, put on specifically for Youth for Christ floor hockey players. I am involved with the children's side of things. There are usually 8 to 10 young children who are present, ranging in ages from 19 months to 5 years old. There are no unchurched children involved yet, but hopefully that will be yet to come, as this church plant extends more into the community we live in. Here is a sampling of pictures from last Tuesday's Alpha.
On the couch, the 4 youngest children.

Robb, aka The Pastor, speaking to the children about Advent.

That evening, I had the children dress up to re-create the first Christmas.
Orien and Olivia as Joseph & Mary. Note the baby in Mary's tummy!
Calvin and Joshua

as the angels.
Caleb and Silas as the shepherds. Andrew was also supposed to a shepherd, but was more interested in getting into trouble (as usual), and Elliot was just plain tired!! If you think the pictures are cute, you should have seen them "in real life!!!"
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