Andrew checking out his present from Santa. He doesn't look too thrilled now, but he enjoys playing with it from time to time.

This is what Caleb wanted for Christmas!! A scooter! Wow! How did Santa know? Caleb had said the night before when we were putting out cookies and Coke for Santa, "But we didn't go to the store to tell Santa what we wanted!" Poor Santa had his work cut out for him this year - first of all, we don't have a chimney, so last year the question was "How will Santa get into our house?" and this year he had to figure out all on his own what the boys wanted.
We were watching slides from my childhood the other day and there were a couple of pictures of a coffin being put into the ground. Caleb and Joshua have already been exposed to this and so they knew what this was all about. Caleb said, "YAY! Someone's going to heaven!" Then he asked me, "Mommy, will Santa be in heaven?"

Now THIS is a look a parent likes to see on Christmas morning. Joshua was a little tougher to buy for. He kept changing his mind about what he wanted for Christmas. Some days, he said he wanted a school bus, but he already has several. We did get him a school bus, as you'll see, but I (I mean SANTA) also found a Toronto Maple Leafs bus at Zellers.

TWO BUSSES FROM SANTA!!! What more could a 4 year old boy ask for?

A toque. Couldn't find the matching Toronto Maple Leafs toque, but he loves this toque anyway. It frames his chubby little face perfectly!

Caleb and Joshua helping Daddy open...PIZZA? for Christmas?? We cleverly disguised one of his favourite snacks - a Cheerios snack mix - with wads of newspaper in this pizza box.

Here's Andrew getting into his barn. It makes sounds. It seems that every year, or maybe every two or three years, toy companies come out with a slightly better, slightly different toy that you just HAVE to buy if you're a good parent. (No, I actually DON'T believe that.) And of course, all these toys require more and more batteries. This sure is different from the Fisher Price barns we grew up with. The animals come with actual hair!! They are very cute!
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