Sunday, October 23, 2011

Family Pictures

I don't quite know why, but family pictures make me very happy. 

 The girls.

 The dudes.

We are pretty gorgeous.  :)
Jo (our photographer), you did an amazing job once again!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


The last entry here in Andrew's agenda says, "I am thankful for Mom."
Today, as we were working in the kitchen after supper, he said to me, "I was thinking of staying at home and doing the work for you when I was at school today.  Then you could just sit down." 
That made my day.
The other comment that I don't want to forget was made a couple of weeks ago by Joshua. 
I had made peanut butter balls for their lunch dessert and he said,
"We're so lucky we have a Mom that makes such good food for us." 
Good memories.

Below, Wyatt napping after Thanksgiving weekend at Grandpa & Grandma Voth's.

 Natalee made a turkey in Nursery School. 

Below, a sample of her very colorful coloring.

 First snow!
You can see it on the brown table & BBQ. 
October 19, 2011