Friday, November 23, 2007

Photo for Month Nine

Here is Natalee on November 23, 2007. She's sitting by herself now, although she does take a tumble from time to time. She also is still suffering from a cold that started with a cough two weeks ago. Fortunately, it doesn't bother her too much. The worst part about the cold is that we need to wipe her nose from time to time (something that she, as a normal baby, hates to have done).
And Andrew has been running around nearly naked most mornings. He takes his pajama's off and races all over the house doing his crazy Andrew-things until someone has enough time to change his diaper and get some clothes on him.
Yesterday we were at a mall to do some more Christmas shopping. We really seemed to stand out as a family. No matter where we went, the food court, walking through the mall, in the stores, we seemed to draw an audience. And it wasn't because anyone was having tempter tantrums or being overly noisy! I guess having four young children is quite a scene for a lot of people, and we received lots of well-meaning comments and looks from a lot of people. Caleb enjoyed pushing Natalee in her stroller and at times, Joshua would also be pushing Andrew in his stroller. I felt like I was part of a freak-show (just from the reactions of other people) or something, but fortunately, none of the children were bothered by it. It's an experience that I won't soon forget...probably because it will happen every time we all go out together!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Maybe they are all looking because they're all so cute! :) You can always hope, right?