Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yummy Stuff!

Andrew enjoying the leftover ketchup. He LOVES to dip food into ketchup or dip, whatever the case may be. After the food is all off his plate, he has started picking it up and trying to lick it off. Unfortunately, his nose is bigger than his tongue so he gets more on himself than in his mouth.


Unknown said...

How cute! Logan did this too.. well almost he didn't try to lick the plate clean!

So is Andrew sitting at the table in this pic or still his high chair?

Angela said...

Andrew is still sitting in his high chair. I've been contemplating removing some of the hardware on his chair so we can pull it right up to the table, but usually the day I'm thinking that, he'll make a huge mess that's just easier to clean up on the tray - just haul it over to the sink and give it a good wash.