Monday, June 30, 2008

It's definitely summer!

Finally broke out the sprinklers! Not that it hasn't been warm enough before now, although today has been our hottest day yet (31 degrees C), but because Joshua finally has his cast off!!!! He's still in his sling until Thursday, and suddenly life seems like it's on hold until then (it's been a looooong time since he last rode his bike! I don't quite know why it's suddenly so important now).
Andrew had a fun afternoon with both of his brother's home all day! He was laughing a lot today at Joshua, despite the start of a cold making him feel kinda yucky.
Boys being boys. Noodle war. Yup, someone got hurt. But it was fun while it lasted!
Andrew driving his trike. Ignore the blood on his arm - he just scratched a scab off of a mosquito bite and spread around the mosquito sauce.

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