Thursday, March 15, 2007

First Bath & Weight Update

Natalee having her first bath. I can't say she enjoyed it, but she tolerated it. The worst part was after the bath when I lifted her out of the water onto the towel. And as I held her in her towels (all 3 of them to try to keep her from getting too chilled), she pooped!! Again! We had just cleaned her bum before the bath, and now she had pooped in the towel! So it was back in the tub again.

Weight Update: The midwife (He Hu - pronounced "He Who") was here for another weight check-in. The first reading indicated she had gained half an ounce since Tuesday. The experts like to see newborns gain at least a half ounce every day. So I spent 20 minutes feeding her, and managed to get her weight up by 60 grams. Fortunately, she is doing all she is supposed to, as far as the number of wet & dirty diapers she is making in a 24 hour period. This brings her weight to 6 lbs. 1 oz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She's soooo beautiful! I can't wait for more pics :) - Auntie M