Sunday, March 18, 2007

What is a Preauricular Pit?

I'm turning this beautiful, peaceful, perfect picture into a bit of a project. Now that I've scared everyone away by telling them this is MY online scrapbook, NOW I want your help!! Guess I'll have to learn to keep my inside thoughts inside a little more...might be easier after the hormones stop raging within me and I get a little more sleep...

Check out Natalee's ear. Just above it, towards her cheek, you should be able to see a tiny little dimple. A nurse in the hospital told me it's called an "ear sinus". I couldn't find that anywhere on the internet, but I eventually came upon "preauricular pit". It can indicate problems, mainly to do with the ear (possibly more ear infections) and sometimes also linked with kidney problems. The pediatrician looked at it and proclaimed it was "just a dimple". However, the second nurse who pointed it out to me has a son who has TWO ear sinuses and also some kidney problems associated with it. However, I'm not worried, not at this point anyway. I'm just wondering if anyone has seen this, and I'm especially interested to know of anyone in the Voth/Warkentin/Bergman/Plett families who have this. It is supposedly genetic, and yet I have never seen it before, that I have never been aware of anything like it. Please let me know if you know of anyone who has this, I'm quite curious about it. I would like to know how common it is and if it is within Natalee's genetic family line.

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