Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finally, a decent picture!!

I really like that top picture of the boys!! The rest of them came out somewhat like the second picture - no big surprise, seeing as I have 3 young children...3 young BOYS!! In most of them, Andrew was sucking his thumb, then he started fake coughing and thought it was funny. Joshua was squirming & wiggling with excitement, and Caleb had lots of funny faces. And it only took about 8 shots to get the good one! That must be some kind of record! I'm so glad someone invented digital cameras!

Well, I know my Dad is a regular reader of my blog and possibly my biggest "fan"? LOL (that means laugh out loud for all you unfamiliar people!!) I forgot to ask you last night, Dad, are the pictures coming up clearly on your computer now? My Dad was having problems with the B&W photos coming up really dark - anyone else with that problem? I've been doing more color photos to see if it's any different. Any feedback on that would be appreciated!!

What is up with the wasps? They're EVERYWHERE! And Caleb is terrified of them! The boys don't even like playing outside anymore because of the wasps! Usually, they get more numerous at the end of August & into September, but maybe because it's so dry & hot, they're everywhere already! At first, we thought we had a nest in the yard or nearby, by now we're thinking it's everywhere? Anybody else having similar problems with too many wasps? Any theories?

After supper last night, we decided to get out of the house & brave the wasps. We went to Caleb's school park where there's no grass by the play structure (and no wasps!!!). Caleb loves to be chased around the play structure by Mike! Joshua usually just hangs and watches the other big kids doing crazy things (and probably trying to remember to try these things when Mom's not watching!!). And when Andrew's not busy trying to sneak some garbage into his mouth, he's climbing up the stairs and zooming down the little kiddie slide backwards on his tummy! He sure is a crazy little monkey! It was a good time!


Anonymous said...

Pictures are better on "our" machine when in color, but still somewhat on the dark side.If you turn down "picsiles"( in settings),they're a bit better also!!! Great pictures,regardless!!

Erin said...

Hey Angela, cute boys you have! I totally know what you mean about getting a decent picture of all three together. I've tried and failed so many times with mine! The pictures look fine on my computer. And about the wasps, I haven't seen any myself but Bailey got stung a few times one day while we were picking raspberries and if you have need of it, Calamine lotion takes GREAT care of it!